Page name: The Alliance of Elven Swords [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-05-16 03:31:54
Last author: Pyrite71889
Owner: Dulce Vita
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Alliance of Elven Swords

This wiki is the hub of the Elven Alliance. This is not an RP.

For those of you who don't know about the Alliance, or aren't members, most of the Alliance members all have stories for their characters (they may not be up-to-date, readable, well written, ad nauseam) that are written from the author's point of view. There for the different stories are interesting when the characters meet, b/c you can read it from different character's points of view and that's cool... yea.... ^^

IMPORTANT NOTICE: the time line of the Alliance stories has changed. Me and my Muse have talked (no really, we did, on MSN.) and we decided it would be easier, and a much cleaner time line to go by. this will not effect too much in the stories (as few of you have gotten very far in your stories) but i expect you all to change accordingly. if you have any questions contact me. Thank you
-[Celeste of Darksword]

They are stories, so if your a writer and have a good idea please talk to us (or just do it and then ask about it)!




[Celeste of Darksword] - I'm the Original author, talk to me if you wanna join. the main story line is REALLY full...but talk to me anyway! we can make more than one story line!

[Ryo-oki] - Is said to be the authors muse that she is authors Muse gets prime second spot

[Dulce Vita] - <---I only gave him the third spot because he owns the page...

[Alleria] - LOOK! I AM higher on the food chain!

[Apollo of Crowingblade] - Sweet, number 5 at last. I'd like to thank myself, for not having a job and having extra time!

[Ceres of Laedun] - Hey I'm Lizzie.I'm not the best writer but the sarcasm makes up for it.Ceres is my character.If you want to here about her you gotta read her story since she doesn't come into the Alliance alot.She's one part wood elf one part faerie.You know you want to come to read her.Come witness the insaneness that is Lizzie's mind.Hahahaha!!!!!

[Driden of Duskblade] - the blah blah blah of this jumbled mess of things...

[leah of lightsword] - Kinda of a Co-Creator helpeds author when she has block or needs ideas, I like poultry.

[Aurora Of Moonblade] - The pyro of the group. Stained glass artist, and too random for her own good.

[ceridwen] - The Nessieness

[rshgngnflgn of vasilica] - the confused, silly one. Aww, he's silly. He is now offically a duck.

[tetsuo] - The Genasi(half elf, half elemental)

[Lizisthebest] - One day...I'll be Optimus Prime..just you wait and see

[maggie the pie] Total DITZ... a bit too outspoken... and well still a maze to figure out.

[chuchutrain] - Yay! *sits waving a flag with a giant "YAY!" on it*


[Saun Of ShadowSword] - I am not klutsy.I just gracefully hit the ground!!! ^_^

[.soldier] - Random guy @_@'.

[black worm] - Black Worm the keeper of the Dragons 

[Christia] - Umm? what'd she just say?

[~*~MLA*07~*~] - The Fashion Guru of the group...No j/k.. im just the one who gets pissed easily.. well sometimes and the one who wants to be understood and took seriously

[SpeedWacer] - The wace of the bunch, spreading love and cynicism to the masses.

[Drummin Maniac] - THE drummer of the bunch

[.ash.] - ...

[Deregan] - The new guy. Ultimate Dragon at your service, but I AM a dragon so I will bite back. Part vamp. too. Don't ask how.

[Morfeaohtarawen] - The forigner, i'm so alone in ohio Hehehe....Ohio is for Lovers...*snicker*

[ababy] - im the winny baby of the alliance. *boooooooooo-hooooooooo*

[Darren M] - im dannys boyfriend and a friend of lydias <-- ^^ he's the coolest gay guy on this wiki!...wait...he's the only one....@$^@.......WOOT go me i'm the COOL gay guy... the rest...suck...okay maybe that was a bad choice of wording...

[Everilde]~Otherwise Known as Larien Elensar.[Go Alliance! Yay!]

[-Living two Lives-]- Joel. He's a loser that can't link his own name. (lol, J/k!)

^They WUB us! ~A.S.
(If i put you in the wrong section I'm sorry, that may be due to the fact that you havent writen for a while, or a mistake on my part)


Stories/Alliance Related

The Alliance Stories Index

Alliance Characters - [Ryo-oki]

people of the alliance

*NEW* Alliance Info *NEW*

A Deeper Look

*NEW*Alliance of Elven Swords Banners*NEW*


Appeared once on the The Wiki Awards!


CREATOR: Lydia Simmons a.k.a [Celeste of Darksword]

PAGE OWNER: "Mr.Kinsey" [Dulce Vita] <---Jerk

PAGE IDIOTS: Lara (the squirrel), Danny, Bek bek, Amfomee Patchit (He does his patchiting when rshgngn messes up), Andrew (he does his rshgn.. wait a minute... what.), Steve (He's the new guy) And Joel (The whackiest guy you'll ever mee, but we love him...)

As you may very well have noticed I'm not on ET all that much anymore. So, if you need to discuss something w/ me (the direction of the Alliance, my story, idk what else, etc), I invite you to email me at -- Dulce Vita

Username (or number or email):


2006-09-15 [Driden of Duskblade]: clue what you're talking about...not one...

2006-09-15 [Alleria]: BAAAAAAAAAAAH!

2006-09-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: BAAAAAAAAAAAH!?

2006-09-15 [Lizisthebest]: are you a sheep now?

2006-09-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: *purrs* nope...*glomps* still your Beaver!

2006-09-16 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...a beaver that odd

2006-09-16 [.soldier]: Try finding a cow that barks.

2006-09-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: hey, I purr all the time...just gotta stroke me right. *grin*

2006-09-16 [.soldier]: o.o' Ewww...

2006-09-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: *giggle*

2006-09-16 [maggie the pie]: Thats a bit creepy.

2006-09-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: how so? ^^

2006-09-16 [Driden of Duskblade]: hey...i stroke you right all the time ^^

2006-09-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: *raises eyebrow enticingly* shhhh, thats supposed to be a secret.

2006-09-16 [maggie the pie]: -Skates and trips.- Not doing it again.. nor trying.

2006-09-16 [Alleria]: I can stroke you the right way baby! hehe ^^ ALL NIGHT!

2006-09-16 [Celeste of Darksword]: WHOO! I know you can! and I LIKE it! *grins*

2006-09-16 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...i still do it better :p

2006-09-16 [Lizisthebest]: ...right now im debating if it was a bad idea to read since i last wrote

2006-09-16 [maggie the pie]: It was..they stroke.. a lot.

2006-09-16 [Alleria]: no danny. I stroke better... trust me! hehe. seeee she LIKES when I stroke!

2006-09-17 [Celeste of Darksword]: nope you're both wrong. Steve strokes best. ^.~ lol

2006-09-17 [Lizisthebest]: ^^ thats just kus i got pro 1337 stroking skills :P

2006-09-17 [Celeste of Darksword]: ooo, punny.

2006-09-18 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol

2006-09-18 [Lizisthebest]: lol

2006-09-18 [Celeste of Darksword]: lol (just for the sake of conversation)

2006-09-18 [Lizisthebest]: :O you conformist

2006-09-18 [Celeste of Darksword]: ooh...I'm sorry....TAT! better?

2006-09-19 [chuchutrain]: huh?

2006-09-19 [Driden of Duskblade]: well she could have said LMFAO or something like that and been non conformist

2006-09-19 [chuchutrain]: or she could have actually written the whole thing out... laugh out loud...

2006-09-19 [Lizisthebest]: nah nah the Tat was the best lol

2006-09-19 [chuchutrain]: suuure....side against me.... XP

2006-09-19 [Aurora Of Moonblade]: Writing it out takes the fun out of it...OMFGBBQIWHYB!!!!! LOL!!

2006-09-19 [Celeste of Darksword]: its sad, you can say an entire paragraph in just a few letters...and people actually understand you....welcome to the age of computers

2006-09-20 [Driden of Duskblade]: well just think...when our kids are our age we're gonna be thinking WTF!?!?!?!?!

2006-09-20 [Celeste of Darksword]: exactly...Not "What the fuck" but "Double-U Tee Eff"

2006-09-20 [chuchutrain]: agreed....but what does OMFGBBQIWHYB mean? I'm pretty sure I know the OMFG...but after that I'm lost...

2006-09-20 [Celeste of Darksword]: BBQ obviously...but after that I'M lost...

2006-09-20 [chuchutrain]: yeah I thought about that part...

2006-09-20 [Lizisthebest]: ok im lost to so im just gunna take a wild guess. OMFG BBQ is when........yea im lose after taht

2006-09-20 [Aurora Of Moonblade]: Lol. Nessa and Jessie would understand. It's a picture of Invader Zim, made by DarkJak. Lol. I'll show you guys later.

2006-09-20 [maggie the pie]: Indvader ZIM!

2006-09-20 [Lizisthebest]: yay for Invader ZIM

2006-09-21 [Driden of Duskblade]: i love Gir ^^

2006-09-21 [chuchutrain]: I watched part of one episode....I think last weekend and it looked really awsome ^^

2006-09-21 [Driden of Duskblade]: it is ^.^!

2006-09-21 [maggie the pie]: .Holds onto Invader Zim and Gir plushies.

2006-09-21 [chuchutrain]: well I think I only watched a part of

2006-09-21 [maggie the pie]: ..your missing out...

2006-09-21 [chuchutrain]: yeah... *looks down in shame*

2006-09-22 [Celeste of Darksword]: .......Don't feel bad ChuChu, never seen it myself.

2006-09-22 [Driden of Duskblade]: you may not like it that much ee-wah but may like some...i dunno...

2006-09-22 [chuchutrain]: "ee-wah but may like some"...huh?

2006-09-22 [Lizisthebest]: was saying that beaver may like some of Invader Zim but probably not all of it

2006-09-22 [maggie the pie]: Oh yeah.. Amber McKinney is telling everyone about ET.. especially little middle schoolers that are stupid.. and well stupid.. they just want to chat.. told them to use myspace.. or yahell.

2006-09-22 [chuchutrain]: cool beans

2006-09-24 [Celeste of Darksword]: yea, sorry Chuchu, my nicknames include Eewah, Ede-wah, Ewok, and Beaver. so if you see any of those they're talking about me....yea...

2006-09-24 [Driden of Duskblade]: you forgot ee-wahnoshi, sensei and mrs.kinsey

2006-09-24 [chuchutrain]: alright...I get it now ^^ thankies for the info

2006-09-24 [Lizisthebest]: lol ^^

2006-09-25 [Driden of Duskblade]: well trust me she has more than that, but we've either forgotten most of them or just decided that to type them all would take up WAAAAAAAAAY to much space

2006-09-25 [Alleria]: heh nicknames... ahh.. we were young once. lol.
and don't forget lara.. a lot of people call you that randomly too.. remember!

2006-09-25 [maggie the pie]: Too many nicknames for everyone except me.. waaaaaaa hahahahhaa.. I just get called ditx or dumb blonde.. or Magen.

2006-09-25 [Lizisthebest]: hey what a coincidence I GET CALLED MAGEN TOO!!!!!! i don't closest to a girl nickname i lets not go there

2006-09-25 [maggie the pie]: Heh.. well lets go there!

2006-09-25 [Celeste of Darksword]: yea, really...I'm curious...

2006-09-25 [Lizisthebest]: lol well hmm wow i wonder if Chu even know...or remembers this....dunno....oh well

2006-09-26 [chuchutrain]: *thinks hard* hm....! o.O I know I called you an old woman the other night cause you need a it Kitty?

2006-09-26 [Celeste of Darksword]: Kitty?

2006-09-26 [Driden of Duskblade]: wha???

2006-09-26 [chuchutrain]: yeah...some people call him Kitty....but I don't think it's what he is talking about since he seemed to make it sound like a bad yeah...

2006-09-26 [maggie the pie]: Kitty isn't bad... I don't think so anyway..

2006-09-26 [chuchutrain]: yeah...that's what I was I'm not to sure what he's talking about...

2006-09-26 [Driden of Duskblade]: kitty is kinda...spiffy in a way

2006-09-26 [Lizisthebest]: u called me an old woman! you meanie i never heard that lol

and no not kitty i don't count that as a girl tis.....loose linda ^^ lol....but i haven't had that nickname for a while :( twas my stripper name (no i was never an actual stripper...yet ;) jk)

2006-09-26 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...

2006-09-27 [Driden of Duskblade]: dfobvnwojefbobwqv so bored right now it isn't funny

2006-09-28 [chuchutrain]: yeah I asked kendall and I was like "OOOOH yeaaah!"

I still have the picture from the Halloween's on my wall cause it's so funny.

2006-09-28 [Lizisthebest]: hahahaha ^^

2006-09-28 [Driden of Duskblade]: ???

2006-09-28 [chuchutrain]: I'll post the picture some time ^^

2006-09-28 [Lizisthebest]: oh have a picture...*shakes head*...oh man, i wish i could say i was drunk for that

2006-09-29 [chuchutrain]: haha....I actually have ^_____^

2006-09-29 [Driden of Duskblade]: hehehe blackmail muwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-09-29 [Lizisthebest]: oh haha blackmail doesn't really work with me ive done too much shit to get embarrased easily and that night was fun, i just didn't know she had pictures

2006-09-29 [chuchutrain]: yeah I have a copy of the pictures from Sara's (I think that's who had the camera...) camera.

2006-09-29 [Lizisthebest]: i think she was the one

2006-09-29 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...

2006-09-29 [Lizisthebest]: lol ^^

2006-09-30 [chuchutrain]: ^^;;

2006-09-30 [Alleria]: ^^

2006-09-30 [Lizisthebest]: ^^^ (three eyed monster :P)

2006-09-30 [chuchutrain]: Q___Q (a mime XD)

2006-10-01 [Celeste of Darksword]: LOL!

2006-10-02 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...yes, i do think that we have nothing better to do with our time...

2006-10-02 [Lizisthebest]: oh hell we never have anything better ^^

2006-10-03 [chuchutrain]: but who ever wants to do anything better?

2006-10-03 [Driden of Duskblade]: not me :p

2006-10-03 [maggie the pie]: *huggles Aurora* It's ok! I promise!

2006-10-03 [Aurora Of Moonblade]: .........okay. I'm fine, why wouldn't anything be okay?

2006-10-03 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...ummmm yea i was just about to ask the same question...

2006-10-03 [maggie the pie]: You don't wanna know now.. anywho.. hows your day?

2006-10-03 [Driden of Duskblade]: if it's about her braking up w/ joel then i already know...

2006-10-04 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...

2006-10-04 [maggie the pie]: Thats sooo not what I was talking about but ok.. so anything new in anyones life? Oh yeah.. is everyone going Saturday for Meghans birthday thingy ma jig?

2006-10-04 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Sure, I've got some new stuff, I'm homeless, carless, broke, but I've got a job. Oh, and my family's not talking to me.

2006-10-04 [chuchutrain]: wow....

2006-10-04 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...harsh...

2006-10-05 [Lizisthebest]: wow...yea that is harsh

2006-10-05 [chuchutrain]: that's insane...

2006-10-05 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Life sucks, but I just found a ray of sunshine.

2006-10-05 [chuchutrain]: yay!!

2006-10-05 [Lizisthebest]: its always good to find those rays of sunshine, and to laugh...^^ life should be full of laughter

2006-10-05 [maggie the pie]: How are you online? *being curious*

2006-10-05 [Lizisthebest]: me? im at school ^^

2006-10-05 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Me? I'm at a friends house I've been sleeping at. Ray of sunshines with black hair and whips are even better than normal rays.

2006-10-05 [Celeste of Darksword]: 0.0

2006-10-06 [Lizisthebest]: hm....i might like your thinking lol

2006-10-06 [chuchutrain]: O.O ...... o.O

2006-10-06 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: :)

2006-10-06 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...O_o

2006-10-06 [maggie the pie]: o.o... scary.

2006-10-06 [chuchutrain]: o.0 agreed...

2006-10-06 [Lizisthebest]: thats not scary

2006-10-06 [Alleria]: O.0

2006-10-09 [maggie the pie]: <img:>

2006-10-09 [maggie the pie]: <img:>

2006-10-09 [maggie the pie]: <img:>

2006-10-09 [maggie the pie]: <img:>

2006-10-09 [Lizisthebest]: haha now thats scary lol

2006-10-09 [maggie the pie]: Yepp..

2006-10-09 [.soldier]: Wow. o.o;
And there ladies and gents, is my post for the month.

2006-10-09 [maggie the pie]: I sorta got bored.. and went surfing photobucket.

2006-10-09 [Celeste of Darksword]: ITS SHII-SAN! *glomps Shigure*

2006-10-10 [Alleria]: ... I argue with my rice krispies all the time.. ((If I ate rice krispies...))

2006-10-10 [Celeste of Darksword]: well that was random

2006-10-10 [Driden of Duskblade]: very...

2006-10-10 [leah of lightsword]: I love the rice crispies. I think I've heard them do that before too, or was the me just hearing things

2006-10-10 [Driden of Duskblade]: i think it was just you beck...mine never fought with me, they just tried to get me to dominate the world...i told them i was NOT getting in ee-wahs way

2006-10-10 [Ryo-oki]: .......I've only ever heard screams of torment comeing from my rice crispies....well its either screams or cheering.....hard to tell the differince when there in my mouth.

2006-10-10 [.soldier]: Well, if it was my mouth, they'd probably be screaming due to the ungodly smell. xD

2006-10-10 [Celeste of Darksword]: .........

2006-10-11 [Lizisthebest]: yea i was gunna say something but didnt know what and figured you didn't want me to steal you ... again so i kept my mouth shut...YES i do that often :P

2006-10-11 [Driden of Duskblade]: THEY'RE MAKING THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS IN *pause for dramatic effect* 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-11 [Alleria]: yep.. I saw that commercial the other day! hehe.. I'm not sure about it though.. it may ruin the magic of the original! BUT!! THe Little mermaid did just come out on DVD

2006-10-11 [Lizisthebest]: ...what...why?...that...ahh it better not ruin it

2006-10-11 [Alleria]: heh.. see once it's in your head.. it's totally.. THERE

2006-10-11 [maggie the pie]: WHOOHOO!

2006-10-12 [Driden of Duskblade]: why would it ruin it, if anything it'll be more awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-12 [maggie the pie]: I would hope so.. wonder if I should high jack someones photobucket again... heh.

2006-10-12 [maggie the pie]: <img:>
So whats up? It's stupid and weird.. but yeah.

2006-10-12 [Alleria]: Hello?

2006-10-12 [Lizisthebest]: Hi

2006-10-12 [Celeste of Darksword]: *looks up* 3D? oh...that'll ruin it alright. claymation is what makes it what it is! (says the person who absolutely abhores claymation but loves NMBC)

2006-10-13 [chuchutrain]: huh?

2006-10-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: What Dri said about The NightMare Before Christmas in 3D.

2006-10-13 [Lizisthebest]: thats gunna ruin it :(

2006-10-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: SEE! thats what I said too.

2006-10-13 [chuchutrain]: really? I didn't know that they were planning on doing that

2006-10-13 [maggie the pie]: <img:>

2006-10-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...

2006-10-13 [Apollo of Crowingblade]: Marking your place celeste?

2006-10-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: <<>> maybe.

2006-10-13 [Driden of Duskblade]: lol but you like corpse bride too...don't you???

2006-10-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: yes, but it still wasnt as good as NMBC

2006-10-13 [Alleria]: I <3 NMBC! YAY! I'll Never let go Jack.. I'll never let go!!! oh.. wait.. wrong movie. lol

2006-10-13 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...

2006-10-14 [chuchutrain]: I love that little animation :D

2006-10-14 [Driden of Duskblade]: ... *throws acorn at lara*

2006-10-14 [Alleria]: hehe.. *eats acorn*

2006-10-15 [Celeste of Darksword]: ...nuts.

2006-10-16 [Alleria]: but i like the cookie.

2006-10-16 [Lizisthebest]: lol do i wanna know why you randomly said nuts Beaver?

2006-10-16 [Driden of Duskblade]: ...who knows...maybe she's eating some peanuts or mixed nuts...who knows...

2006-10-16 [Lizisthebest]: or...I wont say it :P

2006-10-16 [chuchutrain]: Please tell me you weren't going to say what I think you were going to say...

2006-10-16 [Lizisthebest]: lol i woudlnt be able to tell if I was I lost my mind reading abilities...but u konw its coming from probably

2006-10-16 [Alleria]: ...^^

2006-10-16 [Driden of Duskblade]: yea we know what you were thinking...

2006-10-16 [Alleria]: .oO"hehe.. NUTS!"

2006-10-16 [chuchutrain]: EEEWWW!!!

2006-10-16 [Alleria]: oh... dirty dirty mind... Oo <peanut!

2006-10-16 [chuchutrain]: what? how is that supposed to be a pea...OH I GET I!

2006-10-16 [Driden of Duskblade]: needs to be saturday :)

2006-10-16 [Alleria]: yea it does doesn't it..

2006-10-16 [.ash.]: *runs around in circles*

2006-10-17 [chuchutrain]: I agree....saturday would be nice..

2006-10-17 [Driden of Duskblade]: well it's even nicer for me :D i'm going to halloween horror nights *plays eeire music in backround* MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA*cough...gag...cough...weeze*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

2006-10-17 [chuchutrain]: ....I'm going for a volleyball tournament XD but yours is cooler

2006-10-17 [Driden of Duskblade]: ohhhhh volleyball :) how fun :D

2006-10-19 [maggie the pie]: Or not.. I had a dancing irish man.. it was funny. :( He won't work.

2006-10-19 [Lizisthebest]: its not showing for me...but im at school so it might just be that

2006-10-19 [Driden of Duskblade]: dancing irish men are

2006-10-19 [chuchutrain]: o.O never seen one so I couln't say

2006-10-20 [Driden of Duskblade]: welll...not all of them, but there was this one irish guy, at the club that i go to...toooooootally hot :D

2006-10-20 [chuchutrain]: nice

2006-10-20 [maggie the pie]: hehehe.. errrr.. stupid.. link.. wouldn't work.

2006-10-20 [Alleria]: ...<3

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